Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"When searching for 'Angels' ...

"When searching for 'Angels' ... we will face 'Demons' ... "

In life, the sacrifices that we made to find what we are looking for will bring us to understand that nothing is ever easy ... there will be hardship in the horizon. There will be challenges ... you will feel that why is it that we strive when others sleeps ... why we try and try , fall and get back up ... why?


we 'believe' ...

and what we believe ...

others just can't comprehend.

Keep on 'believing' ...
Keep on 'running' ...
Keep on 'falling' ...

For every 'fallling' is a lesson learned.

and every lesson is precious.

as precious as you ...

as precious as life.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

'Look' when follow others ...

'Look' when follow others ... 'Listen' when others follow.

When we are looking for the ideal hero for ourselves,
Do stop and think that who we take for that purpose is mere human too just like us ,
no one is superior than the rest ...
except, their ability to stay focus to their dream
thus making their sacrifice and purpose seems 'Superhuman'.

On the other side of the coin,
Some may even look at you as their 'Superman' ...
do appreciate them for they are there for a purpose,
a purpose that seems small but they are significant
to make you be who you ought to be ...

A better man.

I believe I can fly.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mentari menyinar ...

"Mentari kan menyinar pabila mendung berlalu ... "

Kita memang tidak dapat melarikan diri
dari kesusahan dan keperitan hidup,
semua itu ada sebabnya ...
kita jua tidak perlu bertanya kenapa ia berlaku ...
kita hanya harus
mengakui yang ianya berlaku.

Life does go on ...

Face it. Be brave and trust in Allah.

Ya Allah ... berikanlah aku petunjuk dan hidayah.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



dah selalu aku tengok dan lihat
macamana kita ni menghargai kemerdekaan ...
Sekarang dah 2011 ,dah 54tahun kita menyambut kemerdekaan.
Kita menganggap semua ni senang nak dapat noo ...

Cuti sakan ...

Semenjak dua ni aku dipertemu dengan banyak peristiwa,
cerita ... malah pahlawan-pahlawan yang dah berjuang
demi agama, bangsa dan negara.

Aku bukan patriotik sangat sebenarnya tapi
aku tahu menghargai siapa yang berjasa.

Hujung bulan ni kita akan merayakan Hari Raya Aidilfitri
dan juga Merdeka.
Satu untuk agama, satu lagi untuk negara.

Aku berharap untuk menjadi

Umat Islam yang beriman
Rakyat Malaysia yang berjaya.


"Hargailah mereka yang telah 'mati' agar kita dapat 'hidup'."

"Appreciates them who 'died' just for us to 'live'."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Masa ...

Masa ...

Kita selalu ingat kita ni banyak masa,

Ada masa nak kutuk,
Ada masa nak gaduh,
Ada masa nak pikiarg macamana nak buat jahat,
Ada masa nak buat jahat,
Ada masa nak mengumpat,
Ada masa nak pkiarg macamana nak amik rasuah,
Ada masa amik rasuah.
Ada masa nak buat kacau.
Ada masa nak itu.
Ada masa nak ini.

Ada masa ...

Tetapi kita juga ...

Ada masa nak beringat.
Ada masa nak Bertaubat ...

Ada masanya ...

Untuk kita.

Selagi kita ada masa.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Berbuka Puasa 7.8.2011

Selamat Berpuasa semua,

I've decided yet again to make the best I can for my loving family ...

Codename: Make THEM happy.

Venue: Tropicana City,
our fav so far ... traffic ok, cars and also people... especially People.
You know sometimes we TRY too hard to be happy at a very IN place and yet
when we walk ... there's always someone else that we bumb into ...
so, my question is why do we do that?
Why TRY to be happy at a congested place when you be Actually Happy
at a more cosy one.
Just a point to ponder ya ...

Back to Tropicana City ...
Berbuka Puasa time...

6pm: Still too early
Had a walk ... stop at a regular toy shop that had the actual size of the
Terminator in front ...
It always 'amazes' me Who? How? they did that! ...
and bought them a small set of Lego, yang beli sikit-sikit then in the end will become a BIG castle ...
Thinking Big.

6.20pm: Still early
Toys R Us! Great Idea for a shop huh ...
Wish I had a 'share' in that Wonderful Shop.
even I pun gila kat situ.

6.45pm: Walk to 'Subway' Sanwich.
Hey, we still have the all year long voucher
of buy 1 get 1 free! good tactic ... got us in ya.
So, we bought 2 and get another 2 free.
Mine, as usual 'Roast Beef'... Yummy!
Aida will always do the ordering ... dia cekap lagi to actually know
what OUR angels will like to eat
to HOW make them 'kenyang' ...
and on top of that ordered some
to make them 'Smile':)
Key word: When THEY are Happy ... YOU are Happy! ;)

8pm: Run to Surau with Aiman and Adam ... sembahyang.
Good Dad will do that.

9pm: Borders, got them to sit at the children reading corner ...
Start Reading you guys! Reading only, NO buying. (Not today)
ha ha ha

10pm: GTG. Balik. Tomorrow school ... Kena tidur awal.

Now ...
11.30: They are All still wide awake ... main legolah, makan lagilah? :)
Nyanyilah ... dancinglah ... Running ...

Nih, sat lagi 4.30am nak mangkit sahur nih ...

:) Well, guys that's a sneak peak into 'MY LOVELY LIFE : Episode1' ha ha ha.

Ok You all.

Enjoy Life! ... coz it's the only One you have.
Selamat Berpuasa :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm Back!

Hey All,

I'm back ...
and hopes that this time it's longer ... :)

Always am interested to read and write ...


Yah, Right.

Yah, Write.

Yup, thinking of writing now ...

Ya Allah ...
Give me strength ...
Give me hope ...
Give me patience.

OK, Here I come.

To be who i'm supposed to be ... Me. :)

Pessimist will say ... Why?
Optimist will say ... Why Not.